Saturday, March 28, 2009


  • 1kg. big paprikas
  • 500g. unripened tomatoes
  • 500g. aubergines
  • 2-2.5dl. oil
  • salt
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
Wash paprikas, wipe and dry fry on top the stove. Bake green tomatoes and aubergines in the oven. When all the veggie's are baked, peel them, chop and put into a pan, add salt, then pour in oil gradually, stirring all the time and fry at low heat until the mixture is well blended and the given quantity of oil mixed in. Add chopped or crushed garlic, mix. Shape a ball or a cone in the salad bowl and cool well. Serve with grilled meat, warm cornbread, pogatcha and the like. Pindzur is prepared in several variations, depending on local tradition and on personal taste.



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